Membership Information
*Please Note: Membership renewals are currently closed for 2025. If your membership with the ASDCA has lapsed, please contact the secretary to request an extension for cause, or re-apply below. Thank you.
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Printable forms available below
Thank you for your interest in joining the Anatolian Shepherd Dog Club of America (ASDCA)!
We always appreciate and invite new members to join the ASDCA. Come share in the joy and responsibility of owning this magnificent and ancient breed of dog. If you are already an owner, intend to become one in the future, or are just interested in the Anatolian Shepherd Dog, please accept our invitation to join the ASDCA and be a part of our “Family network” of owners, breeders and exhibitors.
Your membership will include a one-year digital subscription to our newsletter the “Anatolian Times”, access to to a history of educational materials, mentors, and a chance to make a difference with a great breed.
Please review the Club Bylaws for specific clarification on membership rights and responsibilities:
Download the Official ASDCA Bylaws
How to Become a Member of ASDCA
There are three ways to apply for membership:
1. Fill out This Online Application Form and then pay your application fee/dues Using our Online Payment Option.
2. Send an email to the ASDCA Club Secretary that contains your name and mailing address, and a membership package will be sent to you.
3. Fill out the Membership Application, in this packet, print and mail it in with a check
Full Members (with 2 Sponsors) can be on our BREEDERS LIST
How can you get to know people? Reach out to a member of our Team, we’d love to talk with you!
Sample Issue of the Anatolian Times – 2022 Vol 1
Become a member and submit your pictures to the magazine and to the website, to our Facebook page and to our Instagram!
Send your pictures to our IT Admin Team
Click Here to Go to our Facebook Page